-never wears shoes, never wears a shirt, why hasn't he died of lack of service
-cute bad movie secret handshake!
-annie's hand mistaken for abed [troy and abed-cutest couple]
-gimme some fivesies. two cool handshakes before the opening credits
-gateway douchebag
-don't get all upper east side on this shit
-clear your head:DONE
-and she's jewish?
-community college comedy troupe
-everything is connected. tarantulas and peeing in my pants.
-you KNOW babies are extra cute...whenn...."they're both really cute?"
-FINALLY a meta chevy chase joke!
-what is with Jeff's silly henley? looks better while sitting
-vonn has a matching henley.
Parks and Recreation
-as far as white leather suits go
-duck tokens
-plus-sized chunk monsters
-stop sidebarring! new action and corresponding catch phrase
-dave matthes played on a roomba, as it should be
-worst haunting ever: black eyed peas on continuous loop
The Office
-dunder mifflin is part of sabray
-ANDY AND ERIN=<33334ever style="font-weight: bold;">
30 Rock
-food baby! liz lemon, we are one
-who is playing Jenna's mom!?!?!?
-lady from old school snl???
-who keeps a frown in a pocket?
-sith lord and italian jesus.
-frank and tracy. no frank and liz in one apartment.
-different strokes proved irrevocably that smoking kills
-perfect-like a John Mayer song
-new nice outfit choice: white jeans and dan marino jerseys
-I've been a liar and a dental hygienist
-most perfect jenna-mom duet ever [and jenna has a microphone in her purse!]
-just like the ending of all movies
-thanks meat cat.
Merylathon: an update [and a digression about Barbra, and another about hats]
One of my New Year's resolutions was to watch every movie for which either Katharine Hepburn or Meryl Streep was nominated for an Oscar.

This is not the first time a movie has been ranked higher in my favorite simply for millinery. See His Girl Friday and A Room with a View
I decided to do Meryl first because I had seen less of her movies. I had already seen Music of the Heart through years of Orchestra classes. I've seen that movie/Mr. Holland's Opus way too many times, The Devil Wears Prada, and Julie & Julia. So I started with Kramer v. Kramer because it was her first Oscar win [and I was NOT watching The Deer Hunter by myself in my room (her first nomination)] and it is my dad's favorite Meryl movie. I won't give anything away, but I was especially excited with the ending because somehow in my dad's description of it I interpreted it ending the opposite way. And of course, Meryl is supporting in this role, but not out shined by Dustin Hoffman [whom I also adore, The Graduate is my favorite movie of all time]
Then I went to Doubt, simply because it was on Netflix instant watch. And holy moley, if Meryl can make me hate her, it just makes me love her more. Possibly her least fabulous role I've seen, she plays a nun, she is still Meryl through and through and doesn't let up until the credits role.
These were all preludes to my now favorite Meryl movie. I think Kramer v. Kramer is better and she is better in it. But five words: Robert Redford sans Barbra Streisand. I could go on and on about how much I hated Katie Morosky in The Way We Were as the only reason to watch that movie is the boat scene, but I digress.
Out of Africa was amazing. I don't think I can capture how much I loved this movie. But I can capture how much I loved Meryl's hats.
This is not the first time a movie has been ranked higher in my favorite simply for millinery. See His Girl Friday and A Room with a View
new blog.
I just started a new blog: miss woodhouse: the english major.
I'm keeping this blog for my observations on books, films and culture in general. But I wanted to chronicle my college experience specifically!
in a previous life, I was from Kentucky
first of all.
I love Georgia. I love Coca-Cola and kind of baby barf if I have to drink Pepsi. I think Waffle House is way classier than most people assume. And I don't even eatfried chicken unless it comes with a smiling "Welcome to Chic-fil-a."
But here is a list of reason I believe I am really from Kentucky. or at least half and half; Kentucky and Georgia.

I love Georgia. I love Coca-Cola and kind of baby barf if I have to drink Pepsi. I think Waffle House is way classier than most people assume. And I don't even eatfried chicken unless it comes with a smiling "Welcome to Chic-fil-a."
But here is a list of reason I believe I am really from Kentucky. or at least half and half; Kentucky and Georgia.
- I love Kentucky Basketball. My cousin played for them in the late nineties, so actually for a long time I associated Kentucky and the sport with a lot of family stress. But this season, I have realized how much I LOVE COLLEGE BASKETBALL. It also helps that Coach Cal is amazing and we're doing well this season. I bleed Blue, there's no way around it.
- Patty Loveless' album "Mountain Soul" is probably in the top five albums that defines who I am. along with "Bookends," "Rubber Soul," "Ladies of the Canyon," and "Songs About Jane"
- My favorite part of the movie The Last of the Mohicans is when Chingachook tells Hawkeye to go to "can-tuck-ee"
- one time I met Ashely Judd at a Kentucky Basketball game. and she is just about the classiest Southern lady ever.
she [y]eats the apple.
In Modern Poetry, we're a-reading some Yeats.
I really love how the images of community "hive for the honey bee" and "on the roadway" are contrasted with the idea of escaping to a world of solitude.
Coincidentally, my brother is reading Yeats in his Irish Literature class. Brother dear dislikes Yeats dear immensely. But I'm kind of in love with Yeats.
I hadn't read any of his poems before. Literally, nothing. My poetry reading is pretty strictly limited to school assignments and a passionate, unrequited love of Auden, Eliot and Heaney.
But in Modern Poetry, I've fallen in love with Yeats.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree |
I WILL arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, | |
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; | |
Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee, | |
And live alone in the bee-loud glade. | |
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, | 5 |
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; | |
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, | |
And evening full of the linnet's wings. | |
I will arise and go now, for always night and day | |
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; | 10 |
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray, | |
I hear it in the deep heart's core. |
delicious=george emerson
first I have to say. I generally hate Helena Bonham-Carter. I hate all celebrities that break up celebrity couples that I have deemed to be perfect for each other. Another example it Brangelina. I only enjoy Brad Pitt up until 2005. Though with HBC, I can stand Kenneth Branagh, the other offending party their love-affair because Emma Thompson has found the gorgeous, wonderful Greg Wise.
so until Jennifer Aniston finds love, Brad Pitt is dead to be post-2005. But Angelina, I don't care. you suck.
BUTTTTT, Helena Bonham-Carter, as much as I would want to slap her in real life, is kind of awesome. and I mean it all worked out...sort of. She is committed to creeper Tim Burton. And Kenneth is married to Lindsey Brunnock--who Bonham-Carter introduced him to?...!?
whatevs.point of post. just got over my HBC hating enough to watch A Room with a View all the way through and omg. some where between George, bustle, cool hat, George, Italian murder, Italian piazzas, George, Maggie Smith and another cool bustle I fell in love. with GEORGE EMERSON.
you are a beautiful eccentric.
and now I understand why this is the movie is my mom's favorite movie that she most wants to live in.

could I have one please? kthx. oh, and that hat. and that hair. and that Italy. that'd be nice.
so until Jennifer Aniston finds love, Brad Pitt is dead to be post-2005. But Angelina, I don't care. you suck.
BUTTTTT, Helena Bonham-Carter, as much as I would want to slap her in real life, is kind of awesome. and I mean it all worked out...sort of. She is committed to creeper Tim Burton. And Kenneth is married to Lindsey Brunnock--who Bonham-Carter introduced him to?...!?
whatevs.point of post. just got over my HBC hating enough to watch A Room with a View all the way through and omg. some where between George, bustle, cool hat, George, Italian murder, Italian piazzas, George, Maggie Smith and another cool bustle I fell in love. with GEORGE EMERSON.
you are a beautiful eccentric.
and now I understand why this is the movie is my mom's favorite movie that she most wants to live in.
could I have one please? kthx. oh, and that hat. and that hair. and that Italy. that'd be nice.
happy birthday!
today is one of my dearest friend's 19th birthday. so I've been scoping out etsy for the past week for some lovely b-day presents. here's what I found!
How cute is this!? It a reusable cozy for a coffee shop cup! and it rolls up so you can carry it on your keychain. I think this would be perfect for a coffee drinker. I think I'll buy one for myself.
One of my favorite shops! I love the idea of giving/getting vintage salt and pepper shakers. I love this shop. They are super sweet and have great service!
Can't describe how much I love this little green apple ben franklin! I was thinking something like this for my friend would be perfec, she loves U.S. History.
also from johnnyvintage! I actually found this by searching for my friend's favorite color after selecting vintage. so when I typed in "aqua" I got this adorable deer!
help haiti and get guhguhguhgreat music.
so I think I've talked about how much I LOVE Paste Magazine. If I haven't, well I do.
a lot.
and now they are doing this amazing thing where if you donate money through them (or even not through them, you can say you already did on the honor system) you get nearly 250 amazing tracks from artists who came together with the magazine to rock out and help out.
just click on the link above ^^^. and scroll down a bit and click on "SONGS FOR HAITI." after that is it is pretty easy to follow.
golden globe winners-a review
Best Supporting Actress
Mo'Nique for Precious: I can see this fitting in the logic of the Golden Globes but I do not see Mo'Nique taking home the Oscar. Best Supporting Actress at the Oscars is my single favorite category in any award show ever. EVER. I'm very defensive and protective of it. and I'm saying Julianne Moore or Anna Kendrick will rock it out in February. Best Actress in a Comedy or a Musical
Meryl Streep for Julie & Julia: Of course, Meryl always deserves the Globe. And snaps for surpassing Jack and Angela in total wins! This role definitely has the best chance for a comedic Best Actress this year.
Best Screenplay-Motion Picture
Jason Reitman, Sheldon Turner for Up in the Air: Yay. This writing really was amazing and was executed quite well by the cast. I'm still surprised Precious didn't get nominated for this category. I think it will for the Oscars and may take the Oscar, but if the Academy knows better they will see the genius that is Jason Reitman. [more on that later]
Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture
Christoph Waltz for Inglourious Basterds: eh. I'm still thinking Stanley Tucci as creepy pedophile man in The Lovely Bones is going to take the Oscar. The preview alone made me hate Stanley. and I LOVE STANLEY.
Best Director-Motion Picture
James Cameron for Avatar: Bull...wait for it...shit. In 10, 20, 30 years, the world will look back at 2009 and say "why did anyone like Avatar?" because by then the graphics and 3-d effects will look dated and old and the acting, writing and directing will still suck, just then every one will be able to see it because they are no longer ooo and awwing over 3-d.
Jason Reitman had the right to looked pissed afterwards. He deserved the Globe and will win the Oscar.
Best Motion Picture-Musical or Comedy
The Hangover: Probably the funniest movie of the year. But not the best movie of the year that was in the category. That would be (500) Days of Summer or It's Complicated. Since the Academy has been in the mood for changing the rules lately I propose a new category. What is there were separate things for like "funny movies" and then "comedys." Because granted I laughed three times as much as The Hangover then either (500) or Complicated, which does require skill from the director, writers and actors but it does not make it the best movie. Maybe a sub category in screenplay. Like best comedic screenplay.
Best Actress in a Motion Picture-Drama
Sandra Bullock for The Blind Side: Prime globe material that probably won't even get nominated for an Oscar. Carey Mulligan is going to take ALL OF Y'ALL. so get ready.
Best Actor in a Motion Picture-Comedy
Robert Downey, Jr. for Sherlock Holmes: Props for the best acceptance speech of the night. The only serious candidate from the comedy category to potentially have a nomination in February.
Best Actor in Motion Picture-Drama
Jeff Bridges for Crazy Heart: Best Actor will literally be a race between George and Jeff at this point. My vote is with George. because my heart is with George. swoon. But yay for indie films!
Best Motion Picture-Drama
Avatar: I hate you, Hollywood Foreign Press. You just proved to the world that the Academy is way classier.
Ricky Gervais' hosting gets a C-, got us through the night without too many annoyances, but I didn't laugh at all.
goals and globes: a review.
my new year's goals are coming along nicely. I'm running a lot and finished my first book on my list of books to read, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. review to come later. I might do january's together is one fabooklous post.
this post is dedicated to the 2010 Golden Globes, otherwise known as the blemish on the 2009-2010 awards season that was James Cameron winning [stealing] best director from Jason Reitman. But more on that later.
First. to FASHION.
So it seems like dresses were in reds, purples, neutrals and glitter this year. Some fabulous, some not so much.
all pictures either from the golden globes official website or
chloe, dear. I know you are fashion forward thinking and love to look of the mark. but this dress looks like it was put on sideways. like the ruffles were all up near her face and kept hitting her face as she walked. but the color is lovely. her hair is way too severe however.

nicole kidman. My mother and I discussed the fact that she should be unable to wear this color. 1. because of her hair color 2. because of her skin tone 3. she still looks fabulous. Chloe, this is how you do funky draping and ruffles.
Penelope seems to be channels her grandmama of acting inspiration, Sophia Loren and looking exotic and distant. I like the shot with the umbrella too.
More Ruffles! Love Christina Hendricks. I feel the color would have been better had it been more yellow and less pink. Her red hair has so many warm undertones. This may be one of the only peplums I've ever liked. Though it is like a half-peplum.
one of my favorites of the night! Kristen Bell looked so youthful. I wish the asymmetrical hem had been a little bit shorter because she is so short that when shot from the front it really cut her legs in half and she looked nubby. But from this angle she looks wonderful!
wtf January Jones? ruffles gone wrong. headband gone wrong. she always seems to be distancing herself from Betty Draper. but she looks good as Betty Draper! Bring Betty Back!
like the color, can deal with the chinchilla on the shoulder, but do we need a twin on the hip? that answer, Drew, is no.
young hollywood take note, THIS is how to young, classy, refined and like you have a career ahead of you. Edgy but classic, the color and lines are simple but have the black lace overlay to add edge and youth.
Kate's dress looks like it should be half a foot shorter. And take those shoes off. my feet hurt.
Maybe because I hated Avatar, maybe because I hate grandmother's curtains, I kind of hate Zoe Saldana's dress. It doesn't even fit her. or does it? I can't tell. too many bows and ribbons and ruffles and drapes.
I love Tina and I love this dress. She usually just wears black but this simple and cute but fun with pattern.
Love the colored shoes with hunter green almost as a neutral. Go Pregnant Amy.
I really like this one shoulder rocked by Anna Kendrick. Somehow even with the whiteness, the beading and the train, it stays red carpet and doesn't look too bridal or something.
how to wear red on the red carpet: look adorable and sassy like amy poehler, preferably with tall, dark and funny arm candy
if Zoe Saldana's dress is grandmom's curtains, what is that? Grandma's tissues.
Cute couple again. And I like the sparkles, Anna Paquin. hate the clunky shoes.
one of my favorite dresses was from a date! idk her name, but Colin Farrel's lovely lady in navy is rocking the mermaid silhouette and sweetheart neckline.
again youth looking youthful! loves it.
lea michele's dress was huge! but so is her personality and awesomeness. I loved her hair by the way.
I like the pink tutu sort of thing going on, but Emily! your hair is so flat. and parted down the middle. Her hair looks like a seventh grade school photo, including at home curling job.
Jayma Mays looks super happy and super edgy. I really like the pattern that is an impact but subtle as well with the sheer layers and zoomed out view.
My ultimate dream: to be Miss Golden Globe.
Diane Kruger what are you doing? The dress isn't even steamed really, it looks like it has wrinkles in the bottom.
I usually love Julianne Moore's style, but the band across her collarbone of ruffles and then a column of gray? matronly.
Love the color, love the shape, but the thin layers didn't look good on camera with lights behind it.
My favorite fashion risk taker! Ginnifer Goodwin is so edgy with her cobalt blue dress and short hair.
Up in the Air-Review
With all the Oscar Buzz and the promise of George Clooney's face, I knew I had to go see it.
Though I did not know that I would love it. George Clooney is playing his suave charming self, except more isolated that normal, in a job that requires him to fly around the country and fire people. He also has to take recent college grad Natalie under his wing to show her the ropes after she suggests that the company goes online which would prevent George Clooney's character from reaching his goal of 10 million frequent flyer miles.
all while he is having an affair with the beautiful Vera Farmiga, who I've never heard of but it lovable and hate inducing at the same time.
Anna Kendrick, was absolutely wonderful as Natalie, the girl who has planned her life to a T and sees it falling apart in front her well starched skirt-suit.
and SNAPS to JASON REITMAN. I love him. my vote for best director goes to him. It was shot beautifully and the way the travelling was portrayed as well as the familial relationships was so poignant.
The movie also captured the distance and effort of human connection that is so personified in airports. which I love about airports but not that many people understand.
George Clooney is charismatic and wonderful as always but this may be the best he's ever been. I'm calling Oscar right now.
New Year's Resolutions
2. Watch every movie that Katharine Hepburn or Meryl Streep has been nominated for [NETFLIX]
3. Catch up on all HBO with Netflix that I am deprived of in my pre-18 y/o life
4. Make all A's in my five classes!
5. Get an internship
can i just be her? would that be okay with everyone? ilovehersheisfabulous
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