A 30 Rock of Wisdom

Tracy: So what's your religion, Liz Lemon?
Liz: I pretty much just do whatever Oprah tells me to.



TEN things about me:

1. I love pineapples.
2. Jane Austen is my obsession.
3. Peacocks are a close second.
4. I've seen every episode of M*A*S*H. twice.
5. when I grow up, I want to be a child
6. Literature is my passion.
7. I don't really care how much money I make.
8. when I was little I wanted to be a fairy. still kind of do
9. I don't like traditional christmas movies as much as Die Hard and Stalag 17.
10. Dresses are more fun.

NINE ways to win my heart:

1. Be well read.
2. Play Apples to Apples and hold your own in the Kearney house.
3. like my family, have my family like you
4. let me knit/bake you something.
5. Watch Wes Anderson movies with me. even if you don't get them. I don't either.
6. tell me I have pretty hair. it is both my favorite thing and my biggest insecurity.
7. know when you're wrong.
8. use effect/affect correctly
9. dance.

EIGHT things I wanna do before I die:

1. Write a book. even if it is a boring academic one.
2. serve a 27 course meal.
3. go to China.
4. eat the perfect banana split.
5. have a library in my own house inspired by bloomsbury.
6. see all Shakespeare's plays performed (PERICLES that means you too!)
7. have a j.crew wedding
8. Have children.

SEVEN things that annoy me:

1. myself
2. when someone is on tv, on two channels, at once.
3. beef.
4. Twilight. stupidest books ever.
5. people who think they are entitled to things not based on merit.
6. when people don't get jokes.
7. fox news.

SIX things I believe in:

1. Dancing
2. Lampshades
3. Knitting is the sincerest form of fibering.
4. Being blown away by your own original thought.
5. My family being the best.
6. Fleece.
FIVE things I'm afraid of:

1. Buttons.
2. Failure.
3. Khaki.
4. People putting plastic bags over their heads.
5. dead birds.

FOUR of my favorite items in my room:

1. My Brass Knuckle Pillowcases.
2. My copy of Emma.
3. My Buddhas.
4. My signing chair.

THREE things I do everyday:

1. Plan.
2. Read for leisure. I make sure of it.
3. Dance, if only for a second.

TWO people I want to see right now:

1. William. I MISS MY BROTHER.
2. I'm too distraught over William's absence.

ONE thing I want to do right now:

1.Go to sleep.

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