1. Keep Calm and Carry On Water Bottle-Heliotrope 2.charming turquoise watch-fredflare 3. Gurgle Pots-Gurgle Pots 4. Clutch Purse-redrubyrose @ etsy 5. Rockin Guitar Cutting Board-tauntongreen @ etsy 6. Personal Library Kit-fredflare 7. Peacock Centerpiece Vase-Touch of Class 8. phreonlogy head jewelry stand-urbanoutfitters 9. Say Anything - Amazon
1. Wouldn't this be cute for the runner in your life? An inspirational message for just before the 2nd wind.
2. I love when people wear watches now a day; I love how something so everyday has become a throw back.
3. Saw these pitchers, they make an adorable gurgle noise when you pour water out of them! Hear a sample on the webpage. good hostess gift.
4. This etsy site makes really professional clutches is a variety of styles. Perfect for girlfriends, sisters, yourself :]
5. I thought this would be cute for my dad. He cooks a lot and loves music/guitar. It is kitsch and cute.
6. cute for all those english majors in your life. wait...does not every have one of those? because I have about twenty...
7. A. I love Peacocks. 2. this is perfectly tacky. 3. the store is Touch of Class, classy much?
8. Another statement piece for a table, windowsill or dresser.
9. To know Lloyd Dobbler is to love him. You are about to know Lloyd Dobler
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